Many people will say, "Well, God looks on the heart. God doesn't care what you look like on the outside. God just looks on the heart." That is true. God does look on the heart, but man cannot see the heart. Man can only see the outer. Not only that, the outer appearance is usually a pretty good indicator of what is in a person's heart.
Although it is possible to look right on the outside and be wrong on the inside, it is well nigh impossible to look right on the outside and be right on the inside. What is on the outside comes from the inside. That is why Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34).
God does care about how you look on the outside. Dressing will take a lot of people to hell. Today, we can not differentiate world dressing and believers dressing. The Bible says separate yourself.
Let Christ be seen in you always. God sees the heart but man does not. Your appearance matters a lot because is the first thing you use to make an impression.
Today, the world has entered into the church and the church is in the world. Civilization is diverting people from the original way of living to the world way. Preachers are beautifying the gospel to make people feel comfortable. The truth is not told anymore in most of our churches today.
Be careful, don't be deceived, dressing will direct a lot of people to hell.
Your appearance speaks a lot about you. What you don't have you can't give because it is the way you are inside that will reflect on the outside. People wear club cloths to church. There is no moral anymore and they back it up with God doesn't care about the outward looks. Don't be deceived, God cares about everything you do and everyone will give an account of everything.
Granted, a man could say the right things, and have a wrong heart, but a man who had a right heart would never say the wrong things. So the outer appearance is the only indicator that man has that someone is right with God, right in their heart. So God does care how we look. If you fear God, you will do things that will please Him.
In First Timothy 2:9, we read that women should adorn themselves in "modest apparel." In the Greek, the word for modest is the word katastolh (katastole), and it means a long flowing garment. The glory of God can not hide. Like I would always tell people, when you truly experience Christ grace, everything about you will change.
Remember I said that in the Bible days, men wore a short tight skirt and women wore a long and flowing robe. That was a katastole. The Bible in First Timothy 2:9 tells women to adorn themselves in a long flowing garment, not a short, tight garment. That is what modest is, long and flowing. Pants do not flow.
Looking good is good business. It is not a sin or a crime to look good. But do not, in the name of dressing sexy be an instrument that will send other people to hell. If you are a cause of someone else's failure, you will be pay for it.
God cares about everything that you do and it may interest you to know that God is interested in you teaching people moral. #Say no to immoral dressing and embrace decency. Jesus loves you and He cares a lot about you.
You Are God's Mirror. Please Let Your Dressing Preach God and Let Christ Be Seen In You Always.
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