You know, stones might not really hurt me but words might break my bones. Words are so powerful and reflect our thoughts. The word you say to people can leave a lasting impact and unforgettable memories. 

We like to feel comfortable and we usually feel most comfortable around other people who respect our feelings. So it follows that, as a person who is trying to build a good personality or trying to create a good impression in life, you'll want to match your choice of words to your life style and ensure that you use words in an appropriate manner. 

Choosing your words wisely is an essential component of building your personality in life. It feels very comfortable when people addresses us as a well presented person. Words can be very expensive if they are used carelessly and it can cost us a whole lot if it causes any damage in life. 

Setting a standard in life begin with the way we use our choice of words. It is important that you learn to keep your words at a level that you're sure will make others comfortable. If you are able to use words very well, believe me, you will always win people to yourself. When you want to address people always use words that are friendly. 

On the other hand, if you are angry it is still very important you control your choice of words. When you say a horrible thing to someone in anger you may never be able to make amend and you seriously don't know what it means. You may feel comfortable about admitting your ignorance to the person but he or she might never be able to maintain a good relationship with you ever again. 

You know, trust does not come by easily. People want to be around those who are very careful in addressing situation and who they can trust with words. You can easily earn trust once someone can have faith in your manner of expression. 

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don't mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime." -Rachel Wolchin. I hope you really understand the words Rachel Wolchin used? If you're having a tough time creating a connection with people, you might be better off not saying anything. 

But in the case of connecting to get to address situations, you can take a coffee break and relax with it like I am doing right now. Then discuss. It is better to discuss than to speak in anger. Coffee always help you choose the right choice of words. Alright friend, let’s make a coffee toast to you! 

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