Building a new home is a journey of dedicated work. But, with so many moves to make and transitions to navigate, it’s possible for disagreements between couples to occur.

It's important for couples to know that for anything to work, you have to build together. Nothing works where there is disagreement. This fact established the question "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"(Amos 3:3).

Getting real about the reality is part of building the home. Being honest about what each of you desires in your home is essential in building your home. If you notice there is something your partner is doing, speak up. It is important you talk about everything and anything.

Be very specific about how you want your home to be built. So that when you walk into that gorgeous new building for your first night, you see that the things you absolutely wanted are all there, just as you envisioned.

Communication is very key in building a home. When couples stop communicating, the home is bond to be destroyed or be in absolute mess. Some couples are less able to figure out what they want and so fail to realize or understand what a home is meant to be.

What Is A Home?

Home means many things to different people. However, I believe that a home is a secure, enjoyable, cheerful place where you are respected and loved. But what does home mean to you as a couple? Everybody deserves to know what home really mean and stand for.

There is a difference between a home and a house. In my simplest, a house is a building that anybody can go in and sleep. While a home is an empty space that is built by two responsible people. A house may be a yard but the inside is what is called a home. Home is a place that always keeps memories.

Recently i've seen homes breaking up because of insensitive matters and i have asked myself what is missing in the marriages of today? Most young couples today have really missed it.

Alot of young couples don't know what a home is. They get into a house and still don't know the importance of turning a house into a home. Marriage is when two irresponsible people come together to become one and decided to be responsible by building together. The irresponsible in this context is simply when two people who might be reluctant about getting together but still decided to leave the single life.

Understanding is also a major factor in building a home. When that factor is missing, the home is sure to break-out. In creating a shared vision, psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina (aka “Dr. Romance”), author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage, advises couples to work as design partners.

Marriage is a sacred union. The Bible gave a very clear instruction on how couplse should live in holy matrimony. "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,"(Ephesians 5:22-26).

The above scripture is an explanation to how couples should live and if this rules can be obeyed and apply diligently, it will be almost impossible for couples to keep having misunderstanding.

Marriage is very special to God. The devil knew how precious this union is to God because the union represents Christ and the church. It means that marriage is God's church. That is why the enemies are seriously attacking it.

The only way to make a home is to build it. Build your home in Christ. Build your relationship. Build understanding, build communication, build your joy together and stay together. Marriage is till death do you apart. Secure your home.

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