Does your love life need a boost? Do you know that oxytocin is associated with the building of relationship? Yes, oxytocin is referred to as "The Love Hormone." It plays a role on the female reproductive functions, starting from sexual activity to childbirth and breast feeding. 
However, alot of couples don't know that oxytocin also has some other functions, like It can boost relationship. Sexual activity has been found to stimulate the release of oxytocin. That's true, however, there are physical exercises between couples that can release oxytocin easily and help boost relationship. 

What is Oxytocin?
Oxytocin is a hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter. Below are Five tips that can release oxytocin.

1. Hug:
Hugs convey both comfort and affection. Hugs have health benefits. An emotional hug allows the release of oxytocin easily and it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Kiss:
Of course, the release of oxytocin when kissing create chemistry reaction from the brain. Amazing experience that stirs up feeling of affection and strong bond between couples.

3. Positive Communication:
Whenever couples engage in emotional talk or cracking jokes among themselves or discussing about things that can help the relationship grow, there is usually the release of levels of oxytocin.

4. Eye Contact:
Gazing right into the eye of your partner in an emotional way can release oxytocin. Eye contact is a way of communicating with your spouse, without saying a word the message is conveyed.

5. Listening to Music and Dance:
One perfect way to create bond between couples is music and dance. Music has a way of lifting emotion and dance allows the release of oxytocin between couples.

It's essential you know it is a must you help your marriage grow. Whatever you can do to keep your partner happy and make your marriage enjoyable do it. Memories are very important in relationship. Always try and create them.

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